Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Project Runway

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I'm almost religious about Project Runway. After stumbling across it on a lazy night in several weeks ago, I have become steadfast. While the awkward and wooden delivery of host Kristy Hinze leaves me grimacing every time (why they didn't get someone like Sarah O'Hare who is fabulous on Australia's Next Top Model??), I am completely overwhelmed by the talent and resourcefulness of the designers, and can hardly wait for the finale. It's down to Anthony, Lauren and William. I think Anthony is a stand out for his originality but there's something very refined and sophisticated about the work of both Lauren and William. The game really does belong to anyone. Not quite the same thing I know, but every time the paper doll images cut across the Project Runway screen I'm reminded of our own lovely paper dollsmade by the B. Shackman Company who have been making fine paper goods since 1898. They are made from firm card and each come with several cute outfits to change into. They are perfect for road trips or just as a little extra something in a gift. Failing that, use them to stage your very own project runway. Now how's that for a segue?!



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